Induce your sense of lightness
Zürich / Switzerland
& somewhere on earth
For everyone fatigued from our 'always on culture'.
And for private clients : the go to place for renewing your capacity for regeneration

Teaching Principles
I encourage you
to believe in yourself and I am strengthening your consciousness: You can do this.
My passion is to facilitate more freedom in your mind
as well as liberated movement in your body.
It's a process
Learn how to reset your nervous system in a progressive way and
to repair your body. Learn to listen and being kind to your body.
Inquiry over imposition!
Neuro-muscular connections enable the activation of abilities like interoception and proprioception and to build new skills.
body perception is a gateway to self perception.
Subtle Simplicity
This is my invitation to you, for embodying your physicality with
refined sensitivity and simplicity.
Felt Sense
Integrate a new sense of attentiveness and self awareness. The body is effectively your laboratory.
Consciousness sharpens and enables you to make sustainable healthy and nourishing decisions
- on all levels.
Deepening physiological awakening
deepens awakening on all levels.
Irmgard Kuchernig is a somanaut and aims to help students cultivate respect and awareness of the body and mind. As the educational director of Flying Yoga and Yoga Somatics MOVE & SENSE, Zürich (CH) is her home base.
Movement Educator, Writer and Wellness Expert
You can learn with me the gravitational yoga practice of flying with FLYING YOGA and nourish your relationship with the ground with MOVE AND SENSE.
I am inviting you to this sensory journey for integration and clear differentiation in regard of your physicality and attention.
Awareness is trained to develop ‘a felt sense’, impose less, and allow the intelligence of the body to reveal itself.

Practicing with Irmgard is the realisation,
we are not merely advancing towards the physical pose,
rather it is advancing towards who and how we are.