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Private Sessions 1 : 1

custom-crafted content according to your needs.



Irmgard blends Interconnected Anatomy, Somatic Movement,  Flying Yoga,  Joint Mobilisation, Fascia network, and Breathing Techniques with Guided Meditations. 


The Private 1 : 1 supports you in transitioning and adapting your body and mind with greater ease and awareness through life; so as to cultivate long lasting health and equilibrium of being, with a sense of harmony, flow and inner peace. Anatomy and function of your body movement become clear to you

Moments of floating are peaceful. My back and neck suffering from multiple hernias were relieved from contraction and holding patterns. I found new body awareness.  Irmgard's teaching is intelligent,  supportive and nurturing to the soul.

Barbara/ Italy





Irmgard creates a magic atmosphere and guides you through a relaxing and healing experience.  She is an experienced instructor and her soothing voice will take you into a trance-like relaxation.. After the session, my soul and body felt glowing with a warm, calm and positive energy.  I absolutely recommend it, it was a wonderful experience!

Veronica/  Spain





I experienced happy times with you during our sessions. It brought me a much needed balance back into my life and helped my mind and body. 

Maria/ Rumania

An inquiry of your body story, habits, conditioning, resistance and pain lies at the heart of the intention for holistic integration. 

Personal Training Zürich

Who are the private sessions for?


The private sessions are for anyone who wants a more bespoke approach. Perhaps you have a specific issue that you are looking to resolve. This could be chronic stress, fatigue, anxiety, depression, or even injury or illness recovery. Or you want to move well, keep mobile and mentally agile, and prefer working on a one-to-one basis.


I have clients with issues ranging from

  • stress; burn-out recovery

  • insomnia; sleep issues;

  • digestive issues;

  • menopausal issues;

  • pelvic floor issues like incontinence, vaginism, period pain;

  • anxiety; depression; hopelessness, grief;

  • back pain; kinaesthetic issues, postural habits;

  • injury and illness recovery;

  • navigating life changes;

  • to stay mobile and maintain joint function, e.g. foot health, hip health, shoulder joint health;

  • feeling strong and mentally agile; attention deficit issues;




How many sessions do I need?


The initial consultation includes a questionnaire and is a good starting point. We will take it from there. Usually clients stay with me for 3-6 months or book me weekly for bespoke approaches on a regular basis.

Private classes are also a good prep to eventually join group sessions.

There are many ways to work with me.


Call me and see how I can help you!



How much is my investment in myself?


Initial Session à 80'                                      190 CHF

3   sessions intro-pack à 75'                        540 CHF °

5   sessions à 75'                                          850 CHF °°â€‹


°      valid  5 weeks, for 'first timers only'

°°     valid  2 months

I’m healing myself, just as you are. I’m glad you’re here.

I hope my work touches you and helps you move forward.

Ich kann vollkommen entspannen und meine Kopfschmerzen lösen sich auf

Ich bin begeistert vom Flying Yoga bei Irmgard. Meine Verspannungen lösen sich und ich geniesse das Gefühl der Schwerelosigkeit und Freiheit. Ich kann während dem Flying Yoga vollkommen entspannen und hab mehr Energie. An stressigen Tagen, wo mir der Kopf schmerzt, lösen sich diese Kopfschmerzen komplett auf und sind verschwunden nach dem Flying Yoga. Ich bin ganz bei mir selbst und aus-geglichen. Irmgard findet die perfekte Mischung aus klaren Anweisungen, Empathie, Authentizität und Wärme. 

Nadine/ Deutschland

Ich habe jetzt eine bessere Schlafqualität und wache entspannter auf

Mein Nacken und Schulterbereich sind viel entspannter, weil ich im Tuch wirklich loslassen kann und ich knirsche im Schlaf viel weniger mit den Zähnen. Dadurch habe ich auch eine bessere Schlafqualität und ich wache 'weicher' auf. Das wiederum führt dazu, dass ich weniger müde bin. Zudem fühle ich mich von innen gestärkt.

Hinzu kommt, dass ich dank dem Tuch auch Inversions machen kann, was beim klassischen Yoga bislang weniger möglich war. Und es macht mir Spass, wenn mir etwas Akrobatisches gelingt, das ist gut für mein Gemüt. 

Sabrina/ Switzerland 


A private yoga class caters specifically

to your individual needs and to your body. 

2016 created by Flying Yoga.



Irmgard Kuchernig

Based in Zurich, Switzerland.






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